ISTE Artifact 3: Citizen Standard
Artifact 3 in Support of:
Criteria 8: Implement learning experiences for students to be empathetic and socially responsible.
2.3.a | Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
Criteria 9: Promote student behaviors that encourage curiosity as they critically identify/examine online resources.
2.3.b | Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
Criteria 10: Mentor students in safe, ethical and legal use, including intellectual property.
2.3.c | Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.
For this artifact, my learners are college juniors and seniors who have elected to participate in an optional, asynchronous, five-week career development program- Professional Advantage Academy (PAA). PAA is designed to simulate the job application experience and prepare students for the workforce with an emphasis on career ready skills. Due to the asynchronous nature of this program, a discussion board was utilized to have engaging interaction and for sharing resources on empathy in the workplace. Students were provided a workplace scenario of a difficult co-worker. Each student was required to create an initial post with what they would do in this situation using an empathic approach. Additionally, they had to share a credible resource on empathy in the workplace, and respond to at least one other classmate's post. I have included screenshots of the LMS content and a few examples of student work (with their permission).Â
A comprehensive slideshow of each criteria and artifacts:
The following are items provided in the comprehensive slideshow but on a larger scale for ease of viewing:

Examples of Student Responses to the Discussion Board Activity:
The senior capstone course featured a career analysis project and students were required to create a project of their choosing. Three external resources were required. I created a presentation to overview copyright, fair use, intellectual property, and plagiarism to help students apply the concepts in their final projects and carry these concepts into their professional settings upon graduation. This is a screenshot of the module in our LMS. In addition to the recorded video lecture, I included the PDF so they could access links and other supplemental resources related to the topic that may assist with their final project.
My presentation includes citations and sources to model responsible use of intellectual property.